Below is a collection of all the important P.F. Magic game files.
During all of our game modding adventures, sometimes we accidentally save over our official files and are left
with the choice of either dealing with it or reinstalling the entire game again. This section is here to help
with that conundrum, and is here for you to use during all your hexing, brexing, playscene crafting, toy making,
and game modding adventures! Each section has all of the breedfilez, playscenez,
toyz, clothez, and important game files for each respective game.
Have fun, and I can't wait to see what you make in the community!
Catz Breedz:
Alley Cat | B+W Shorthair | Calico | Chinchilla Persian | Maine Coon | Tabby | Orange Shorthair | Persian | Russian Blue | Siamese |
Dogz Breedz:
Bulldog | Chihuahua | Dachshund | Dalmatian | Great Dane | Labrador | Mutt | Poodle | Scottie | Sheepdog |
Adoption Center | Backyard | Beach | Clothes Closet | Family Room | Kitchen | Toy Closet | Snow Scene |
Catz 3 Rez.dll | Catz 3 Snd.dll | Dogz 3 Rez.dll | Dogz 3 Snd.dll | MFC42.DLL | MMouse.VxD | MSVCIRT.DLL |
Msvcrt.dll | Petz 3 Rez.dll | Petz 3 Snd.dll | Catzspash.txt | Dogzsplash.txt | Petzsplash.txt |
Catz Breedz:
Alley Cat | B+W Shorthair | Calico | Chinchilla Persian | Maine Coon | Tabby | Orange Shorthair | Persian | Russian Blue | Siamese | Bunny |
Dogz Breedz:
Bulldog | Chihuahua | Dachshund | Dalmatian | Great Dane | Labrador | Mutt | Poodle | Scottie | Sheepdog | Pig |
Catz Breedz:
Alley Cat | B+W Shorthair | Bunny | Calico | Chinchilla Persian | Desert Lynx | Egyptian Mau | Honey Bear |
Japanese Bobtail | Maine Coon | Orange Shorthair | Persian | Russian Blue | Scottish Fold | Siamese | Tabby |
Dogz Breedz:
Bulldog | Chihuahua | Dachshund | Dalmatian | German Shepherd | Golden Retriever | Great Dane | Labrador |
Mutt | Papillon | Pig | Poodle | Pug | Scottie | Sheepdog |
Adoption Center | Arabia | Asian Temple | Backyard | Beach | Circus | Editor | Family Room |
Fantasy Castle | Haunted Mansion | Kitchen | Nursery | Salon | Snow Scene | South Seas | Wild West |