Hello there,
Welcome Acid Trip,
Version 3.0!
This is a P.F. Magic fan-site for
Petz, Oddballz, and Babyz.
12/10/2024: Fixed the Lisa Frank Dalmatian files. They should be downloadable now!
11/29/2023: Moved the website to a new host!
10/12/2021: Added something funny and silly to the Otherz section.
8/15/2021: Getting back into the groove; uploaded a new stamp from Acid Trip.
8/9/2021: Updated/Fixed the Lyngae! The file is now breedable, and will pass down it's genetics to offspring. Please update your files! A BIG thank you to Silverfish for helping me figure this one out! :D
8/7/2021: Updated/Fixed the Black Lisa Frank Dalmatian, Sparkle Dalmatian, and Sparkle Muttlies Unibreed breedfilez, and added Non Unibreed versions for Petz 3-5. Please update your files! :D
8/4/2021: Added stamps to the stamp page, updated the Lisa Frank Dalmatian and Paintsplatter Unibreed breedfilez, and added Non Unibreed versions for Petz 3-5. Please update your files :D
7/31/2021: Fixed an issue with the Petz Installers.
7/30/2021: Added stamps to the stamp page.
7/29/2021: Uploaded new Stamp templates, updated the Pokepuffs toyz with a Petz 4 version (courtesy of Mythic Silence), updated the Petz Ultimate Game Bundle instructions and fixed installer downloads, updated the Hexiez page, and fixed an error with the find itz.
7/1/2021: Changed music, working on something bigger so I held off on the 5000th visitor update. It's still coming, so stay tuned!
1/8/2021: Website move to another new host server! Thank you kiralyikuvaszok.com and Alexzander for hosting Acid Trip! This SHOULD be the end of the host bouncing now that I have my own personal site!
11/15/2020: Website moved to a new host server! Please report any broken links! Thank you ch.lulzland and SparDanger for being such gracious hosts these past few months!
9/13/2020: Added Custom Show Tables and a few Petzies toyz!
9/11/2020: Added two Petzies toyz!
9/9/2020: Added more Petzies toyz!
9/7/2020: Added more Petzies content!
9/6/2020: Updated Crew page, added lots of new Petzies content. Fixed some wrong links. Hit 3,500 visitors!
8/14/2020: Found a cooler background. >3
7/29/2020: Added Rusty Russian Blues to the Hexiez page.
7/28/2020: Official release of Version 3.0 of the site, site is crammed full of new content. Thank you Wix for hosting my site for all these years!
4/24/2019: Petz 1, 3, 4, 5, and Babyz full game installers added. Oddballz and Petz 2 to come later.
4/22/2019: 2000 visitors coming up soon, so Sparkle Petz Trio released in celebration!
4/14/2019: PokePuffs released for Petz 5! Lost Website Hosting finally fixed and reuploaded with two different site's files. Music updated.
*9/10/2016: Lost Breedfilez Hosting reworked into Lost Website Hosting and given new, updated design on the site. New Breedfilez, Toyz, Clothez, and Playscenez added!
*4/14/2019: Fixed a few things and fixed link to Lost Website Hosting. CBox Classic finally died, RIP.
*8/28/2016: Added Lisa Frank Dalmatians Breed to Acid Trip Breedz! This is Acid Trip's Second Breed! Updated Music for a spell! Enjoy the new track!
*9/14/2015: Added Glowsticks to the Toyz page in the Downloads Section! This is Acid Trip's first toy!
UPDATE!: Fixed Kittlings breed! Sorry!
*9/13/2015: Added Kittlings to the Acid Trip Breedz page in Downloads! This is Acid Trip's first breed!
*9/11/2015: Tripp created and added to Family Page! Expectant Mothers updated on Adoption page.
*9/10/2015: Added Napoleon to Family Page! Added Petz on Mac page to the "Other" section.
*9/8/2015: Added 'Ku, Comet, Stellar Sparkle, and Dakota to Family Pages. 'Ku has been dubbed the site mascot! Everyone welcome them! Changed music as well to Ku's theme!
*7/30/2015: Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Life hit pretty hard and I'm only just now getting a break!
*2/21/2015: Added new additions to Family pages. Added new playscenes to the downloads section. Moonoracle and Cheetah Kennelz breedz are back up.
*2/8/2015: Busted 100 visitors!!! New Pet will be released in my pugs shop in celebration!
*2/5/2015: Added Babyz and Oddballz to the site. More will come later.
*2/4/2015: Fixed a few bugs regarding the new site design. Recieved Dogz 4 in the mail, will soon be including Petz 3, 4, & 5, as well as Babyz and Oddballz on the site.
*2/2/2015: Started conversion to site version 2.0. Excuse the mess while everything gets changed over to the new format.
*1/26/2015: Added new Breedz to the Lost Breedfilez Hosting page
*1/25/2015: Added Puudiidal page to My Petz and Bloodlinez, and edited up Bloodlinez pages. Added downloads to Lost Breedfilez Hosting page.
*1/24/2015: Began new breeding project for a standard currently now called 'Puudiidal'.
*1/21/2015: Renamed Bloodlinez and finished up the bloodlinez pages
*1/20/2015: Reorganized My Petz and added Bloodlinez pages, as well as added side borders to the site.
*1/19/2015: Expectant Motherz gave birth!
*1/17/2015: Two Muttlies litterz put up for adoption!
* 1/16/2015: Two expectant mothers added to site
* 1/15/2015: Site opening!